Towlift News
The Essential Guide to Forklift Safety Accessories
- Cleveland, OH: (216) 749-6800
- Columbus, OH: (614) 851-1001
- Mentor, OH: (440) 951-9519
- Toledo, OH: (419) 666-1333
- Erie, PA: (814) 454-3802
- Pittsburgh, PA: (724) 385-9520
- Denver, CO: (303) 292-5438
- Albuquerque, NM: (505) 884-2700
- El Paso, TX: (915) 778-8368
- Salt Lake City, UT: (801) 685-2535
- Oakland, CA: (510) 534-6566
As much as we try to prevent terrible workplace accidents, they happen. That doesn't mean we should stop trying to avoid them.
June is National Safety Month, and June 11, 2024, is National Forklift Safety Day. Let's look at some of the top safety accessories available for your forklift fleet.
Blue Light. Ensure pedestrian safety when backing out of trailers, down aisles, and around blind spots. Blue Lights attach to forklifts and cast a blue light on the ground as they move.

Red Zone Danger Light. This light creates a visible zone of danger around forklifts and other mobile equipment. One light is needed on each side of the forklift.

Fire Extinguisher and Mount. Provide operators with fire protection mounted on their forklifts. Employers must maintain the extinguishers according to 1910.157 OSHA standards.

Safety Vests. Neon hi-visibility orange and yellow vests keep operators and workers visible throughout a warehouse and yard environment. Hi-visibility jackets, shirts, hats, belts, vests, and more are available.

Strobe Lights. While a blue light points down, a strobe light is positioned around eye level. When it is activated, workers immediately see the flash. Right away, they know large equipment is coming or someone's had an accident.

Backup Alarms. Backup alarms emit a loud, intermittent warning alarm when a forklift is reversed, alerting workers and other forklifts of the truck's movement and actively preventing collisions. An easy addition to any warehouse or dock bay safety system.

Seat Belts. Do you know that OSHA requires the use of an operator restraint system? Various seat belt lengths, colors, and buckle styles are available, including high-visibility colors.

Forklift safety products protect your people and your equipment. Call the Towlift Parts Department to order. Installation is available!